Clarence, Yu-Ren Lai, is an innovative creator who balances rigorous academics and creative design thinking with a passion for photography and a drive to push the boundaries of human-centered design. With a strong background in product design, UX design, and communication design, Clarence aims to leverage his skills and experiences to drive innovative solutions to bring warmth and happiness to the world. His commitment to excellence and passion for design continuously propel him to seek new challenges and opportunities.
Recently, during his internship at R.F.YAMAKAWA, he redesigned the plaza in front of Tsu Station in Mie Prefecture, Japan. This project earned praise from the mayor, an NHK interview, and Chunichi Shimbun and Mie Times coverage. While interning at GK Kyoto earlier, Clarence demonstrated exceptional versatility, contributing to product design, branding, and urban planning projects. Previously, Clarence worked as a 2D Design Intern at Sparks headquarters in Philadelphia. He was also a national full scholarship recipient of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design (MOESPOSAD), which allowed him to study as a one-year exchange student at the College for Creative Studies (CCS) in Detroit.
Work Experience
2024.08 - present | Product Designer at R.F.YAMAKWA
2023.08 - 2023.10 | Design Intern at GK Kyoto
2022.06 - 2022.08 | 2D Creative Intern at Sparks
2019.07 - 2019.08 | Summer Product Design Intern at Xcellent Design
2023 Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program for Overseas Internship
2021 Young Pin Design Award | Finalist for Special Sponsorship Award
2021 Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design
2020 Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan College Student Research Scholarship
2019 Honorable Mention | Tainan Design Awards